Istituto Capri nel Mondo
L’Associazione Istituto Capri nel mondo – con sede legale a Capri, Vico Sella Orta, 3 – 80073 – ha il seguente scopo:
- promuovere e favorire la crescita e lo sviluppo dell’immagine e della cultura di Capri in particolare e del Mezzogiorno in generale, in Italia e nel Mondo, in tutte le forme e le espressioni creative ed artistiche che avranno origine o punto di rappresentazione da e in Capri.
Per il raggiungimento dello scopo suddetto, l’Associazione promuove, elabora e gestisce, anche in joint-venture italiane ed estere, le seguenti iniziative:
- manifestazioni cinematografiche, letterarie, musicali e nel settore della moda;
- mostre, convegni o congressi in genere;
- istituzione di premi;
- istituzioni di borse di studio; campagne promo-pubblicitarie;
- edizione di libri, riviste, giornali;
- programmi radiofonici e televisivi;
- ogni altra iniziativa culturale ed artistica anche se non specificamente indicata, finalizzata al raggiungimento dello scopo sociale.
L’Associazione non ha finalità di lucro; non intende avere per oggetto esclusivo o principale l’esercizio di attività commerciali ed intende essere retta e regolata oltre che dal codice civile dalle leggi in materia di associazioni non riconosciute e nel rispetto della normativa prevista dal decreto legislativo 460/97.
Il patrimonio è costituito:
a) dalle quote sociali;
b) dai contributi dei soci sostenitori;
c) da eventuali erogazioni, donazioni o lasciti;
d) da qualsiasi aiuto economico che venga fornito da enti, istituti e privati;
e) dai beni mobili ed immobili che diverranno di proprietà dell’associazione;
f) da eventuali fondi di riserva costituiti con le eccedenze di bilancio;
g) dall’utile derivante da organizzazione di manifestazioni o partecipazione ad esse;
h) da ogni altra entrata che concorra ad incrementare l’attivo sociale.
The association Capri in the World Institute – headquartered in Capri, Vico Sella Orta, 3 – 80073 – has the following goal:
To promote and encourage the growth and development of the image and culture of Capri in particular and the South in general, throughout Italy and all over the world, through all forms of creative and artistic expressions which will be originated or represented in Capri.
To achieve this goal, the association promotes, develops and manages – in Italian and foreign joint ventures – the following initiatives:
- Cinema, literary, music and fashion events;
- Exhibitions, conventions and conventions;
- Award presentation ceremonies;
- Grant and scholarship institutions;
- Promotional and advertisement campaigns;
- Publication of books, magazines, papers;
- Radio and television shows;
- Any other cultural and artistic initiatives, though not specifically mentioned, aimed at the achievement of its goal.
This is a non-profit organization where the carrying out of commercial activities is not its main or exclusive concern; it is controlled and regulated by the Civil Code as well as by unacknowledged laws regulating syndication and by Legislative Decree 460/97.
The association’s assets consist of the following:
- a) membership fees;
- b) the contributions of supporting members;
- c) donations, gifts or bequests;
- d) financial assistance provided by corporations, institutions and private entities;
- e) goods and chattels, and real estates which will eventually be owned by the association;
- f) possible reserve funds created by budget surpluses;
- g) profits generated by the organization and/or participation in events;
- h) any other earnings which contribute to increase social profitable assets.
The association Capri in the World Institute – headquartered in Capri, Vico Sella Orta, 3 – 80073 – has the following goal:
To promote and encourage the growth and development of the image and culture of Capri in particular and the South in general, throughout Italy and all over the world, through all forms of creative and artistic expressions which will be originated or represented in Capri.
To achieve this goal, the association promotes, develops and manages – in Italian and foreign joint ventures – the following initiatives:
- Cinema, literary, music and fashion events;
- Exhibitions, conventions and conventions;
- Award presentation ceremonies;
- Grant and scholarship institutions;
- Promotional and advertisement campaigns;
- Publication of books, magazines, papers;
- Radio and television shows;
- Any other cultural and artistic initiatives, though not specifically mentioned, aimed at the achievement of its goal.
This is a non-profit organization where the carrying out of commercial activities is not its main or exclusive concern; it is controlled and regulated by the Civil Code as well as by unacknowledged laws regulating syndication and by Legislative Decree 460/97.
The association’s assets consist of the following:
- a) membership fees;
- b) the contributions of supporting members;
- c) donations, gifts or bequests;
- d) financial assistance provided by corporations, institutions and private entities;
- e) goods and chattels, and real estates which will eventually be owned by the association;
- f) possible reserve funds created by budget surpluses;
- g) profits generated by the organization and/or participation in events;
- h) any other earnings which contribute to increase social profitable assets.
Istituto Capri nel Mondo
Chairman Onorario
Tony Renis
Segretario Generale
Pascal Vicedomini
Vice-presidenti Internazionale
Mark Canton – Bobby Moresco
Toni Lorusso Petruzzi
Direzione Artistica
Antonella Cocco
Media Advisor
Francesca De Lucia
Relazioni Pubbliche
Italia • Capri Press Anna Maria Boniello
EU • David Lawrence Korner
World • The Artists Club Italia
Patrizia Magnani
Associate Producers
Silvia Coccia – Emanuele De Angelis
Contents Master
Gianluca Castagna
Digital Account
Edoardo Cerioni
Marina Cicogna
Citto Maselli
Giuliano Montaldo
Andrea Purgatori
Grazie a
Federica Diomei
Alfonso Signorini
Massimo Borgnis
Roberto Alessi
Flavio Natalia
Bruno Cesario
Mariella Troccoli
Rosanna Gilardi
Roberta Traversetti
Enza Pacella
Donatella Pascucci
Fulvio, Federica e Paola
Vincenzo Lipari
Teodorico Boniello
Anna Chiara, Mariano
e Frank Della Corte
Gaetano Balice
Rosalinda Di Meglio
Anna, Gianluigi
e Marianna Lembo
Francolino e Gianni Lembo
Alessandra Massa
Dario Faiella
Briuna Cammarano
Raffaele Damiano
Giuliana Lalli
E anche
Concetta Presicci
Matteo V.
David Lawrence Korner
4bit adv Srl
Federico Pignataro
Di Sarno Group Srl
Alfonso Minali
Digital Advisor
Seven Produzioni
Digital adv
EGE Eventi
Vulcanica Print
Foto di: Eugenio Blasio, Pasquale Carbone, Gigi Iorio, Gianni Riccio , Daniele Venturelli e del grande Pietro Coccia
E gli amici di Capri: Andrea Antonello Luigi D’Agostino Foto Flash